Briefing On The Main Downstream Industries Of Hose Yarn From January To June 2023

Briefing On The Main Downstream Industries Of Hose Yarn From January To June 2023

In the first half of the year, the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size increased by 3.8% year-on-year (the growth rate of added value is the actual growth rate after deducting the price factor). In June, the added value of industries above designated size actually increased by 4.4% year-on-year.


The following data excerpts the economic operation of major downstream industries related to the Hose Yarn industry from January to June 2023:


Figure 1 Year-on-year growth rate of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size


In terms of different industries, in the first half of the year, the coal mining and washing industry increased by 1.6%, the oil and natural gas mining industry increased by 3.9%, the ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 5.5%, the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry increased by 7.4%, general equipment The manufacturing industry increased by 3.6%, the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 13.1%, the railway, ship, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing industry increased by 8.0%, the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry increased by 15.7%, and the electricity and heat production and supply industry increased by 4.3%.


In terms of products, in the first half of the year, there were 676.55 million tons of steel products, an increase of 4.4% year-on-year; 953 million tons of cement, an increase of 1.3%; 36.38 million tons of ten kinds of non-ferrous metals, an increase of 8.0%; ​there were 3.611 million automobiles, an increase of 35.0%; power generation was 4,168 billion kwh, an increase of 3.8%; ​the crude oil processing volume was 363.58 million tons, an increase of 9.9%.


Forwarding source, "China Pipe Belt"